extraordinary diplomatic memorandum from 1418 gives a list of twenty
complaints made by an ambassador of the Despotate, and twenty
responses by the Venetian Signoria referring to events which involved
the Palaiologos brothers, John and Theodoros. The memorandum was
written on behalf of the Despot in awkward Italian: the Venetian
clerk carefully reproduced the spelling and grammar of each item, and
then gave the formal Latin response from the Signoria. The events had happened in 1416
when co-emperor John (Venetian sources call him “the young
emperor”) was giving his brother Theodoros hands-on practice at war
in the Morea. The Despotate was at war with the Prince of Achaia, and a thin strip of Achaian territory separated the Venetian territories of Methoni and Koroni. Territorial boundaries were disrespected. Venice had to request information from the Morea after receiving the complaint, information had to gathered and sent back, and the time lapse alone suggests the
near-impossibility of handling these crises. Simultaneously, Venice was making complaints about raids into Venetian territory by the Despotate. This memorandum is five
large folio pages long, too long to quote completely, but a partial
and prejudicial paraphrase will convey the general situation.
* * * * *
Despotate: What really happened in that riot is that
our men were taking some of the men of the Prince (of Achaia). They
insulted them, and the Despots came, and told them that . . .
With all due respects to your ambassador, what happened is not like
that. Your Despots were coming down this way to fight the Prince, and
your men attacked our subjects and devastated our casale of
Spanacori. They had given us warning of their coming and promised
there would be no damage.
Despotate: About the Albanians, the truth is that they were
going to Koroni to sell a heifer, and someone told the castellan
that they had stolen his goods and killed his pigs, so the castellan
hanged them. Word got back. We have 6,000 armed Albanians up here --
the Despots were ready to take them to fight at Clarenza and then the
news about Koroni came -- the Albanians wanted to go attack Koroni
and it was all the Despots could do to prevent them!
Our castellan didn't hang your Albanians for a cow. He
hanged them for the wheat, barley, millet, cotton, clothing, wine,
and other things they had been taking at knife-point from our
subjects in our territory. And your Despots were not going to
Clarenza: John was on the other side of the Morea at Mouchli.
Despotate. About the Methoni incident, the Albanians
conscientiously did not go down there to cause trouble, but to rob in
the Principality. They ran into 300 soldiers who attacked, wounded
several horses, and killed one of them. So they got a little excited
and misbehaved.
That's not what we heard. They came into our territory, insulted some
of our people at Chinego who tried to defend themselves, then they
attacked and robbed Chinego. The leader is a Greek named Koracha.
Despotate. A man who lives in Methoni, a Piero Catalan, is a
great friend of the Prince. He is responsible for the deaths of a
number of our men because he has sold blades and crossbows to the
[Principality of Achaia]. He has also provided bread and wine and
supplies to the Genoese at Belvedere. He also went to Clarentza, took
a number of Greeks, took them in irons to Methoni and locked them up.
And then sold them to a Catalan ship.
We have no information on this. The export of weapons from our
territories is not permitted. Had we known about the sale of the
Greeks, our officials would have stopped it.
Despotate. One of our rebels, Lamburcho, escaped from prison
and went to Nauplion where he was given refuge, then to Koroni. This
violates the peace you made with the old Despot (Theodoros I).
We have no information on this. We will look into it.
Despotate. Some of your people have amazed us by trying to
build fortifications on our territory. We are certain you didn't know
about this.
We have no information on this. Nor do we believe it.
Despotate. We built the Hexamillion with great expense, and
called our people -- top ones and little people -- to work on it, but
our villani complained and decamped into your territory, and
that's not right.
Our territories are open and free to all comers who wish to live
well, but if your serfs come our officials will send them back.
* * * * *
memorandum noted that on a previous occasion, the despotate had sent
down a diplomat, Manuel Sophianos, and a certain David who inspected
the damages in detail (“minute examinando”) and agreed with the
Venetian estimate of loss. It also said that on this occasion the new
damages did not need viewing and examination: it was just needed for
the despots make restitution. The present memorandum continues for
thirteen more items, providing a remarkable amount of information on
aspects of life in the Morea, and dealings between the powers, and
claiming attacks from Venetian territory against the Despot's people.
It also makes clear that the Despotate had little effective control
over its own people, whether merchant or criminal, even when it
presumably had some interest in maintaining control.